As a top-rated North Vancouver roofing inspector, we offer services to meet all your roofing needs. With our expertise in roof consulting inspection and project management, your roof will remain in top-notch quality.
We are proud to be certified by the IIBEC - International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants. The industry standard.
We get you your reports FAST! Reports can typically be finished and delivered within 48 to 72 hours!
We can help with disputes. Get us on your team NOW!
We have may clients whose problems with roofers we were able to solve. Stop strugling with a contractor that doesnt care.
We’re in this business Since 2016 and we are Simply
Need a professional to inspect your roof?
Hire our expert roof inspectors!
We service both Residential and Commercial Roofing.
Consultants play a crucial role in the re-roofing process, from contractor selection, to price negotiating, and ensuring the quality (and longevity) of the installation.
The primary role and inspector / consultant plays, is the “expert on your side”. In order to perform this role, they MUST be fully independent of the contractor and ONLY be working for your interests. Unlike RCABC associate inspection companies, who are beholden to the contractors, we are fully independent of the “Old Boys Club”, and have ONLY your interests in mind!
Although the information provided by contractors is often helpful, it is most often framed to provide the contractor and advantage over the building owner (you), and often skewed to confirm the individual contractors standing.
We provide you with expert information that has YOU as its focus!
Have you noticed that when seeking estimates from 3 contractors, you get 3 differing plans, each estimate reflecting what each contractor makes the most profit at. It feels like comparing apples to oranges!
Instead, let us write the specifications for your project and manage the bidding process and save you this trouble.
We first create a specification for the work that meets your needs (not the roofers)
We then distribute them to 4 to 6 qualified contractors that specialize in your type of project
Contractors then submit bids to complete the work in the specifications, allowing a comparison of oranges to oranges.
When the project is awarded, we create the appropritae contracts / and agreements so that you enjoy all the protection you are entitled to.
We then perform in progress inspections to ensure you are getting what you are paying for, BEFORE YOU PAY!
LMRI manages millions of dollars worth of roofing every year. This provides us with a full roster of qualified contractors, and the influence to command good pricing.
We know the industry, we know how to make your project sing!
We make sure that you are protected as you should be! BC in fact provides many rules and regulations that protect you, but only if you avail yourself of them! We make sure you are protected.
For Example:
Is your contractor requesting a deposit?
On our projects, you NEVER ned to provide a deposit!
NEVER pay for anything until it is attached to the building!
Carl Inkman of Lower Mainland Roof Inspection and Consulting Ltd. was extremely responsive to our request for a roof inspection. He was helpful, knowledgeable and on-time. I would highly recommend using Carl in the future.
the best roofing service in your town
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